Thursday, November 10, 2005

midwest love

while perusing the blog world, i have noticed that some people begin each of their posts with a theme. i have chosen to follow this trend. we'll see if it lasts. every time i post, i shall give you my "happies and crappies" (phrase courtesy of one sarah e. fuller), and also (in honor of my lifelong pursuit of knowledge)what i am currently reading. so, to begin:
this morning i was talking to one of my students. her name is melissa, and she is from indiana. (the state of, not indiana, PA.) i verbally admired her scarf, and she casually mentioned that she had purchased it at meijer. MEIJER!! she knows about MEIJER! we went into a brief yet blissful midwest moment, in which we sang the praises of our beloved store, and also the wonder that is euchre. ahh, the midwest. i shall always love thee. (and p.s. daddy, when is my meijer coming?)

harold has left me another literal piece of crap on my desk. THERE IS NOTHING HERE FOR YOU, HAROLD. GET OUT!!!
my computer is possessed. the cd burner is broken beyond repair, and there appears to be a virus of some sort that is causing the drive to open and close of its own volition. it also makes a strange whirring noise intermittently that i could do without. meanwhile, i can't burn the copies of the mixes i have made. boo.

currently reading:
the magician's nephew by c.s. lewis. it is number six in the chronicles of narnia series, but it is about how aslan created narnia. (thank you, sarah. c, not f.) i love the way my old pal clive writes. i started yesterday, and i'm half done. work keeps getting in the way of my leisure reading. i mean... uhhh... i love my job.

well, folks, that's all we have time for today. thanks for coming. hasta luego.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No mighty "M" on the horizon for the Pittsburg area in the near future. Sorry, but we will have some remodleling in Columbus, OH this spring if you realy need a Meijer fix! Hope you start feeling better soon.