Friday, August 05, 2005


crappy cell phone update:
i am about to retire my nokia cell phone. ever since the unfortunate incident at thanksgiving ("KHADIJA!!!!") when my phone shattered into a thousand pieces on my kitchen floor, i've been looking forward to this day. (granted, some might say i have abused my phone. but there have been countless other times when my phone has leapt from my purse onto the pavement. as i've been saying for months, my phone hates me.) the screen is cracked, the antenna is broken, and the back cover has been fastened to the phone with scotch tape since november. lately, the battery has been holding its charge for approximately twelve minutes, even after a full night's charge. therefore, i've decided to get rid of it. unfortunately, my old contract is not up until the 13th. so, even though my new cell phone arrived on tuesday, it will cost me $150 in early termination fees if i activate it before next week. boo. so, my shiny new flip phone is packed neatly in its box where i can't be tempted to play with it. oh, cingular, with your rollover minutes and your pretty graphics... how i love thee.
p.s. i've selected the windmills wallpaper in tribute to the dutch. yay!

in other news, my baby sister and her best friend liz are currently making the trek through the void that is ohio, on their way to come see me! i'm very excited to play with them and show them the wonders of pittsburgh. i'm not sure exactly what we'll do... perhaps we'll go to the hookah bar on the southside. i can't get anyone to go there anymore. i think they'd both enjoy it. and there's always ikea! anyhow, here is a picture of the two of them at tracy's wedding in june. (i've decided that i need to post more pictures. it's starting to look boring.) all righty then. back to work.


Nathan and Betsy said...

you found me while i was online...send me your email and i'll send you my address. harry has become my new best friend and mealtime buddy - i was quite surprised at the ending however!!

Anonymous said...

hello kat. i just thought i would tell you hello and comment on your blog so i can say, yes, i have sort of blogged. i miss you and i hope i can come see you soon. love you lots!! your baby sister