Sunday, August 07, 2005

jail break

this isn't a real post... but i just got done with promiseland, the elementary program i run at the church, and i love these kids! this picture is from a few months ago. the lesson was about joseph in jail. so cute. okay, that's all, folks!


Anonymous said...

I've never seen more appropriately placed children.

Anonymous said...

Indeed. Kath, you might have a future in child labor in Red China. Commuinst.
Seriously though, you could make a fortune.

bexala said...

"...joseph in cute." what? since when is jail cute kath? what are those cco people teaching you?!?


katherine said...

wow guys. you're all terrible.

Anonymous said...

In response, Kath, I guess it originated from some blogs that I frequent... and that spread to the occasional chat with folks here and there. It's more a response to an impression that I get (not unlike the Mighty Mighty Bosstones), though, than it is to specific incidents

... if that makes any sense...

Nathan and Betsy said...


did you get my email the other day?? i just made an important discovery, and we need to chat.


Nathan and Betsy said...

the news is not exciting. it's not bad, but def. not exciting. it doesn't qualify as news, just a discovery, an 'a ha' moment, if you will. i'll email you.