last night was potentially my last youth group ever. i'm leaving on sunday, and when i come back in the fall, someone else will (hopefully) have taken over. weird. it's the end of an era. i don't really know how to feel about it... i've never felt an extreme, mind-blowing passion for youth ministry. however, i am really going to miss these students that i've been working with for the past two years. i'll still see them, but it will be different. strange, strange. but regardless of how i feel about it, time marches on. i just don't want it to march on without allowing me any time for reflection. i'll have to make sure i have time for that at the beach. ahh, sweet bliss. look at this:

that should ease my pain. T minus 20 days. hooray!
Meh. I'll bet there're tons of killer lobsters on that beach. Personally, I'd *hate* to be going there.
/Trying to feel better about my own situation.
try all you want. mine is better! mwah ha ha!
What does CHRIS think!?!?
//lays head on desk
///beats hand on keyboard
helpful. thank you.
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