Wednesday, December 20, 2006

a christmas wish list

though i feel safe betting that most people have, unlike me, finished their christmas shopping so late in the game, by smam's suggestion, here is a post about some christmas gifts i would like to receive:
1. regina spektor's new album: begin to hope
2. the office, any/all seasons of the american version
3. books by bill bryson, but i've already received english: the mother tongue
4. the a&e version of pride and prejudice
5. settlers of catan and the expansion pack for 5-6 players
6. postsecret books
7. target gift cards are always appreciated

that's all i'm going to write now. at the moment, i've forgotten most other things i've asked for, though i'm sure i'll be thrilled to remember when i receive them this weekend. (all that to say, if you bought me something and are now worried because i didn't list it here, don't be worried. i'm easy to please... i'm sure i'll love it!) in review, i am not finished with my christmas shopping, and am hoping to invite suggestions from your wish lists by giving you mine. pathetic, i know.
anyhow, i'm headed off to get into the christmas spirit by attending one of my favorite seasonal services at a nearby church. merry christmas.

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