Friday, March 09, 2007

ugh. assessment.

i know, i know. three posts in one day. is it obvious that i'm having trouble concentrating on my assessment and retention paper? this, at least, came to my attention while i was reading the articles for the paper (if that averts any blame) from my course reader. i think it's funny. and it matches my current sentiments about the assessment process.
"Michael Patton relates a curious but notable extra-biblical account of the origin of assessment as follows:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And God saw everything that He made. "Behold," God said, "It is very good."
And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
And on the seventh day God rested from all His work. His archangel came then unto Him asking, "God, how do you know that what you have created is 'very good?' What are your criteria? On what data do you base your judgment? Aren't you a little close to the situation to make a fair and unbiased evaluation?" God thought about these questions all that day and His rest was greatly disturbed. On the eighth day God said, "Lucifer, go to hell."
Thus was evaluation born in a blaze of glory (Patton 1986, 9)."

my thoughts exactly.

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