so, great news! my older sister, sarah, is pregnant! and better news: it's twins! i'm so excited to be an aunt. and i'm going to be the best aunt ever. look at these babies!
the first one is right before they were implanted, at two days after conception, and the second one was taken this week, at six weeks. look at them! if this were a video, you'd be able to see their hearts fluttering. they're about the size of raspberries right now, according to this website that tracks their progress. i'm so excited! be prepared for a lot of talk about Petri and Dish. i'll try to restrain myself from going overboard, but i can't make any promises.

They are pretty cute, aren't they? :)
i think it's safe to say there will be a three-way tie for best aunt in the world. let's not go making outrageous claims about any one person taking that title alone. :) if anyone will be the best aunt in the world it will be me, as i will be getting another neice or nephew at the same time...more practice. :)
-aunt trix
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