hey, look! i'm not sure if this is petri or dish, but it looks like a baby! hooray! they're both in there, but this is the best picture, i think. and their little hearts are beating 170 times a minute. wonderful.
in other news, stuff is going well here. i started my new job a few months ago, and i really love it. i had a full day of supervision today at grove city, and i got to visit one of the students who was in my youth group at the church last year who is a first-year student there this fall. he's doing really well, and it was good to catch up.
my mother told me this weekend that my blog is boring, so i felt convicted again to update. i'm not entirely sure what to write about though... i'll tell you one thing i've been loving lately though is my new church. these last few weeks, i've been thinking a lot about it, and i've really been understanding the song of ascent in psalm 122, where it says, "i was glad when they said to me, 'let us go to the house of the LORD.'" the church i've been going to is in my neighborhood, and it is committed to two things: being centered on Christ, and on being intentionally cross-cultural. they (we?) really believe that Christ can unite us over all kinds of barriers, and even though sunday morning is the most segregated time of the week, that's not true at my church. it's a really beautiful picture of the Kingdom, and i love it.
well, that's it for now.
That's Petri. You can tell because Dr. Dodds wrote "A" on the bottom of the picture. Jeez, Aunt Katherine, I'm surprised you can't tell them apart yet. :)
and dr. dodds can tell which one is which? what if they move around from appointment to appointment? or is whichever one you find first Petri and the second one Dish? cuz i can do that! i'm a good aunt!!!
Yes, Dr. Dodds can tell which one is A and which one is B. (Now that I know how to tell, so can I.) Baby A (Petri) is closest to the cervix. It's possible that they could move around later, but right now they're too little.
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