Thursday, October 27, 2005

if you give a mouse a cookie

so. there is a mouse in my office at church. yesterday, i came in, and i had a phone call. i was leaning back in my oh-so-professional office chair, talking to someone from my congregation, when i saw a half-eaten piece of candy with the wrapper chewed open sitting next to my phone. the candy was from a bag that was sitting at least four feet away on my desk. ON MY DESK!!! there was a mouse crawling around ON MY DESK. i don't do mice. now, if they want to stay outside, or in the basements, or garages, or barns or something, that's fine. it's cold outside. i can be humane. but i won't stand for rodents on my desk. i just can't have it. we've set two traps, which have not as of yet caught any mice. therefore, i'm going to have to leave. luckily, my job is of the variety that i can do from somewhere other than my office. i'll return when we catch it. until then, i'll be working from home. gross.


Nathan and Betsy said...

bwahh!! i hate mice. i remember we used to have tons of them in our project neighborhood house, and i hated it. i thought i had safely put the days of 'homes with mice in them' behind me...and then i saw a baby mouse run in the corner of our basement last night. argh.

Anonymous said...

Haha... I just have this image of you as "that one girl" in the classroom who always stands up on the desk with her hands cupping her ears, screaming at the top of her lungs when the class hampster escapes. Hah.

Anyways. I think we, when we're kids, are simply raised/taught that mice are bad... much the same way as we're raised/taught that videogames are wastes of time. But are they really? If you really look at em -- the mice -- what's so scary about them? They're small, fuzzy, have tiny little button noses complemented by a few whiskers... I mean, what's not to like? This sounds like a prime candidate for a domesticated pet! (THIS JUST IN: MICE ARE THE NEW CAT!!)

I mean, you *could* have a polar bear on your desk... or a mosquito... or maybe even a porcupine. Now THOSE would be scary.

bexala said...

Maybe it's just Kenny's spirit paying you a visit.

katherine said...

though i agree that my phobia was probably given to me by my mother, who used to crawl on top of the table and wait until my father took care of it, i feel that there *is* good reason to be uncomfortable. mice could be carrying the hanta virus. that's right. hanta. hanta can kill you. ask jonathan about it. that guy knows.

Anonymous said...

So unprofessional.
Simply incredible.

Shouldn't we be more scared by the avian flu - or SARS for that matter? Or perhaps we shouldn't all freak out at the slightest sign of disese. You know, JC used to hang out with the lepers and all. I don't see any mention in the Bible of Jesus setting mousetraps next to his computer to catch lepers. Bad evangelism Kath. At least the crusaders had it right - convert first, kill second. You should try to reason with your new officemate.