Saturday, December 10, 2005

kickin' it 2.0

currently reading: lauren winner's mudhouse sabbath
currently listening: feist's let it die
so, you may recall my post from a few days ago with the picture of the tiny soccer player. well, it's over now, and so i can fill you in. on thursday and friday, i went up to staff seminar, a cco training event. during our organizational life meeting, the recruiting team (of which i am a part) had to present an update about our recruitment progress for this year. enter: me.
you need a little background information before you'll fully appreciate this. a few months ago, i went on a recruiting trip back to my alma mater with one of our recruitment associates and a fellow campus minister. as people often do on road trips, we went the drive-thru at the golden arches. my co-worker kim ordered a happy meal. her toy prize was "kick-it girl," a two-and-a-half inch doll in a soccer uniform. she did not come with a soccer ball, and as toys go, she was pretty boring. so, we set her up on the dashboard of our rental car and proclaimed her to be the mascot of our trip. much kicking and joking ensued. upon our return to pennsylvania, i expected kick-it girl to go down to the depths of the garbage, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. somehow, she was resurrected. apparently, she has been residing on kim's desk in her office since october, and has inspired the recruiting team to encourage the staff to "kick it into gear" with regards to recruiting. they decided (and apparently this means that they have too much time on their hands in the office) to turn kick-it girl into a mascot for the recruiting team. she would present the appie award, a very prestigious honor, to the staff person who has been doing the best work in recruiting, at the organizational life meeting at staff seminar. but, since kick-it girl is so small in stature, she would need some help. i received an email asking another staff person and i to DRESS UP LIKE KICK-IT GIRL and prance around in front of the ENTIRE organization. so, on friday morning, morgan and i dressed up like happy meal toys and "kicked it for the kingdom." i don't know if i'll ever live it down. all weekend people were jabbing and kicking me, and i'm fairly certain andrew heffner will never let me forget it. it wasn't quite the mortifying disaster i was expecting, but hopefully, kick-it girl's job is done.
and now, here are some public service announcements:
1. in your haste to get in your cars during this icy cold season, be careful not to get the turn signal lever in your car stuck in your coat pocket. it will jam it, causing the left blinker on your car to blink incessantly for days on end, and leading other motorists to believe you have lost your mind. when you call the dealership, they won't be able to get you in for a few days, and when they do get you in, it will cost you $134.27 to replace it.
2. if you live in a city or neighborhood with sidewalks, it is your responsibility to shovel the portion of the sidewalk in front of your home. if there is a blizzard where you live, and you are unable to shovel the snow because you are gone, and even if you had been home you would not have shoveled the snow because you don't have a shovel, and your neighbors know this, they might bring a shovel to your house and prop it up against your front door. you should not assume that this gesture was either well-meaning or ill-tempered, since there is really no way to know. but you probably should shovel the snow as soon as you get home.
3. if you and some friends are playing outside in the snow, and you make a pact with one of them not to throw snow in each other's faces, you should not assume that that same friend will not conspire with another friend to tackle you and throw you flat on your back, causing your neck and back to hurt for two to three days afterwards.
4. if you have a friend who works at geneva college, and that friend has $48 tickets to go to opening night of the nutcracker in pittsburgh that are paid for by the college, you should be very nice to her for five and a half years before the show, and she will probably offer to take you with her. you should probably shower before you go, since the $48 tickets are pretty nice.
so, i have to go shovel some snow, and then get ready for the ballet. peace out.


bexala said...

Kick it girl makes me think of this silly cheer we did when I was a counselor at Summer's Best Two Weeks. Our theme for the Roman Team was "Kick it into high gear...!" If you want me to teach you teh cheer with the body motions I'd be happy to oblige.

Does kick it girl have a routine yet? You should probably plan on that for the sustainability of her image.

Anonymous said...

You know, right around this time of year I really love Geneva College because they do things like take me and two of my best friends to the Nutcracker and Gallifty's and don't ask for any money in return. Oh yeah, and they give you a free masters. That's nice too.

Anonymous said...

It's pronounced ballay. The "t" is silent. I thought everyone knew that.

So professional.