so, friday night i went bowling with chi alpha. i did, as i always do, quite poorly. bowling is a game of consistency, and the only thing consistent about my first game was a high gutter ball frequency. this was reminiscent of last year's chi alpha bowling event, during which i bowled so poorly that i was awarded a blue ribbon that says "great effort" and a suggestion that perhaps i should try a different sport. true to form, during this year's first game, i had ten gutter balls in as many frames. even the few times that i managed to keep the ball on the lane, i hit pitifully few pins, giving me a grand total score of 37 (which unfortunately, is not even my worst score). i began rejoicing when hitting as few as three pins per frame. instead of yelling, "i got a strike!" i yelled, "i got some!" and then quickly realized the social faux pas of yelling "i got some!" in a roomful of people, particulary of the chi alpha variety. luckily, they did laugh, and i don't think they judged me too much.
we deemed my horrid first game "warm-up," and i did suprisingly better during the next round. i still got six gutter balls, but i also managed four spares and two strikes, to achieve a score of 118, plus my pride. i did opt to sit out for the final game, in order to end on a good note.
on saturday i spent the majority of the day trying to get my newsletter out--watch your mailbox--until evening. i went into the city to attend a live nativity celebration at eastminster presbyterian church. it was way cooler than i was expecting. eastminster is in east liberty, a part of the city where i doubt there are often farm animals. there were a bunch of sheep that chased us around the yard, and a donkey, and a goat, plus two CAMELS! it was the coolest thing in the world! i got my picture taken with frannie, a three-year-old camel who was trying to eat one of the wise men's pizza. her head was taller than me, and she kept swooping in so close to me that i got scared and ran away. but khadija ran away from the sheep, so at least i was braver than her. what would you do if you turned your head and saw this?

anyhow, it was awesome. if chris ever sends me the picture, i'll post it.
sunday night i had twelve of my students from the university over for a spa party, and a good time was had by all. this is getting too long, so i'm done for now. the end.
No, no, no, I think it probably went more like THIS:
"'instead of yelling, 'i got a strike!' i yelled, 'i got some!' at which point Encore waltzed into the room exclaiming, 'Si, es la verdad.'"
Kath? Confirm/deny??
oh, nathan. i can think of so many responses to that, and none of them are edifying to the body. nor do i think YOU will like any of them.
I want to go bowling with you. I could share all the knowledge I gained from taking bowling as a PE class at Calvin. I could be your personal bowling instructor. Then I could put that on my resume and then maybe I could find a new job....this may have promise....
Pffft. *Please* You got nothin on me.
(But just in case you do, go right ahead and keep taking the moral high ground)
/the committee doesn't scare me
the committee SHOULD scare you.
ESTE es la verdad.
Oh, Nathan,
If only you knew the power the committee holds...
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