Tuesday, April 11, 2006

"hurry hurry hurry!"

said the children in my office, as they took turns grabbing the sheets of paper as they shot out of the copier machine and brought them, one by one, to the desk. they are my pastor's children, and they are "helping daddy" today in the office while their mother is at work. they are four years old, and they are twins. for the last ten minutes, they have been playing this game. ally has now tired of it, and andrew is doing double turns and running twice as fast, so as not to miss a single sheet when it spits out. it's amazing what will entertain children. a few minutes ago, they were in my office, inspecting everything and looking for candy in the drawers. a few months ago, there may have been some, but after the harold the church mouse incident, there is absolutely no food in this office. so they entertained themselves with my cell phone and talking to toni, the secretary, on my intercom, and pulling my "jesus books" off my shelves. they really are adorable. plus they distract me from the task at hand, which is to imagine every possible question that the session may ask me about the plans for our new after school program, and come up with satisfactory answers. so the periodic fish faces that the twins blow on my window are welcome.
they are leaving now to go to playland at mcdonald's as a reward for being so good for daddy today. i'm going to try to get back to work now. this will require me to stop listening to imogean heap on myspace, and also to hide my sudoku puzzle book (i'm almost done with a "super tough" one!) and hide the book that is calling to me from my desk. it is called the curious incident of the dog in the night-time, and it is fascinating. i recommend it highly. but not if you're at work. so get back twerk! what are you doing reading this anyway?!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"what are you doing reading this anyway?!?!"

A fine question.