i am just about to leave the office for the weekend... full-tron and i are leaving this evening, which will bring us to g-rap in the wee hours of the morning. i can't wait to see my family and all my friends. it has been quite long enough since i've been back. i'm sure i'll come back to PA exhausted and a bit unprepared to begin another year of campus ministry. i was on campus today, personing the campus ministry association table at the first-year student orientation. it reminded me of my days on orientation board ("i am calvin college"), and i very much enjoyed myself. i'm glad to have the students back on campus, and i'm getting very excited about my second year here. hopefully this fall i'll look like i know what i'm doing, and i won't be mistaken for a first-year student. i'm a college graduate! i am not seventeen years old! i will say that i wish i was taking classes. i may be a nerd, perhaps, but i do love me some school. the cooler weather and the buzzing excitement of move-in day makes me want to go buy school supplies, strap on my backpack, and skip off to class. unfortunately, this does not appear to be in the cards for me at this moment in time.
i did get to take some classes this summer, which was fantabulous. walking around campus with a bag full of books makes me quite nostalgic for the good ol' days. however, grad school does afford me the luxury of taking only classes i am quite interested in, and avoiding the killer 8:35 a.m. lecture on as*tronomy or communication theory. those always m

ade me want to throw up in my mouth a little bit.
anyhow, enough of this for now. it is time to go get penny's oil changed so she won't growl at me all the way across ohio. oh penny, how i love thee. please be good.
adios, and see (some of) you tomorrow!
ok. dear. you must read my last post!
Um, Kat? Click Here.
very funny daniel. i'm working on it.
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