it has been a long night. we had the middle school lock-in at church last night, starting at nine p.m. and ending this morning at nine. the last of the students just went home, and i am exhausted. it was a super hero theme, and the kids were required to come in costume. some of the them were quite ingenious; my favorite was captain useless. she had no super po

wers, but she came complete with a belt full of things that no one would ever want, such as an gum wrapper, broken glasses, and an old toothbrush. i gave her a prize. at four a.m. i told them it was lights out, and they were quite quiet, suprisingly. however, a number of them never went to sleep at all. it just so happens that these ones were camped out in the center aisle of the sanctuary, two and a half feet from me. i don't know how much sleep i was planning to get stretched out in my sleeping bag on a pew, but i am not what you might call well-rested. however, i would say everything went very well. there was a lot of sardines, hide and seek tag, invisible ball, pizza, mountain dew, mafia, and
the incredibles. i sometimes forget how fun those games can be. plus, no one died, or even got hurt. (after a year in youth ministry, this is how i now measure the success of an evening.) a good time was had by all. and now, to bed. i plan to sleep all day, and perhaps rise in time to go out tonight. sweet dreams.
before i go... a quick poll: what was your favorite childhood/adolescent game?
Oh, my favorite game was Bloody Murder, for sure. Remember running around in the almost darkness outside Mom and Dad's and being scared sh1tless by someone? Great fun, to be sure.
ah yes, the bloody murder. a classic. though i can't quite remember all the rules these days...
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