i've just received word that mischa barton, better known as marissa cooper on our beloved "the o.c.," is in beaver falls, a mere 40 minutes from me, and just a few blocks from one sarah e. fuller. according to our friend and co-worker marshall, who has physically seen her, she is here filming a bank robbery scene for some new movie. she is apparently quite pale and wearing a very short skirt. (suprise, suprise.) anyhow, i can't really believe they're filming anything in beaver falls, except maybe someday some michael moore film about what happens when you outsource a community's industry overseas. (beaver falls is a dilapidated old steel town, in some ways resembling the ghost towns out west left by the gold miners back in the day.) so anyway, that's the news, hot off the press from western pennsylvania.
o.c. season 3 countdown: 23 daysoh sweet bliss.
I'm so glad you found my news so interesting!
i got your newsletter...thanks! did you get my letter yet?
PS is it worth it to see coldplay? They're coming to France and I was thinking about getting tickets.
sammy! yes, i did get your letter! thanks you! i'll write you back soon. you said i have to send it by the 24th to get there before you leave, right? i'll get right on it.
now coldplay... yes, it's worth it. definitely, definitely go. i'm listening to them this very moment. when's the show?
yeah i think the 24th is the cutoff for sending letters. i'm moving the 31st so that would give a week for transit, which i think is enough.
i bought coldplay tickets today, they're coming to Toulouse the 18th of november
have a good weekend!
how exciting about mischa! that is thrilling. i cannot wait to see you this weekend and meet chris...see you tomorrow!
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