Friday, November 18, 2005

to my faithful readers

greetings. i am sorry about the dry spell. today is my first day in the office this week. (my dilbert desk calendar is still on sunday.) i apologize for neglecting you, but i did not forget about you. i have been at home (where there is no internet), once again, lying on my futon and reading. as you may recall, i had walking pneumonia last month, and i never really got completely better. then last week, i started to feel terrible again, and it turns out that i have now contracted a sinus infection. but, my doctor has prescribed some new antibiotic, and some huge horse pills that taste terrible but are supposed to help. last night my ears popped and i was able to breathe through my nose for the first time in a week. hurray.

so, happy:
-ability to breathe nasal-y
-lots of naps and reading
-my sister sarah visited a few days ago. we played rummikub and had a lovely time. it was awesome.
-one of my friends from church brought me ginger ale, lots of soup, and a beautiful fall bouquet of flowers. i love roses and gerberra daisies.

-the drugs make me sleepy, but also somehow keep me from sleeping for more than an hour without waking up. very frustrating.
-my support-raising is in a slump. i need to get working on this some more.
-it is very cold here. i heard it snowed the other day, but since i haven't left my apartment except to go to the doctor's office, i can't be sure.
-harold continues to elude me, though he did donate some of his fur on the sticky trap.

-in the past week, i read the entire chronicles of narnia series. it was incredible. i also did a lot of crossword puzzles.
-next, i plan to tackle the screwtape letters, also by my old pal clive. thanks, sarah, for bringing that.
-in my bible study (the one i'm not in charge of) we have been reading I kings. and i'm doing a lot in isaiah and james lately too. good stuff.

that's all, folks. thanks for sticking it out through the illness and the blog-silence. i'll try to do/be better from now on. peace out.


Anonymous said...


Too bad you're still sik, but nice work reading the Chronicles of Narnia. Did you know they're making a movie of one of them? I did.

Coldplay came to Toulouse last night. They really put on a show. You're right that Chris Martin rocks back and forth on his chair! My favorite part was when they played Yellow and all these yellow ballon/beach ball things fell out of the rafters. Oh I also give kudos to Chris for speaking a little French. He's pretty terrible, but it takes guts to try to practice in front of all those Frenchies. Notably, he said (in French) "someone told me that Toulouse is the best city for musique in France. and I...agree". That doesn't seem as funny translated into English, but he didn't know the word for agree, so he said "et je...agree".

Everything's not lost.

PS: Nate, I may have to give X&Y another listen. You're right how it grows on you.

katherine said...

hi sam! thanks for stopping by! yes, i did know they're making that movie. it's coming out oh so soon in the states. perhaps we can catch it over christmas! i'm glad you liked the coldplay show. did you get to touch any of the yellow things? they never got close enough to us at our show. who did you go with? and yes, i would give X&Y another try. especially after the show, i really like it. see you sOoN!