after a lohohong day of sitting in airports by myself, i am back at work in PA. yesterday, due to the fog, rain, and general crappy conditions, my three hour transit time was stretched into an abysmal eight hour day of nothing. i did finally finish the screwtape letters, which i found fascinating, and completed a number of crossword puzzles. the guy across from me on the plane was about my age, and he was doing number puzzles. i think we could have been friends.
in other airport news, there were two small children singing a song with their mother that was about going to grandma's house, and what animals they might see on their way there. (my first thought was that my own children may someday sing this song, as there will be PLENTY of animals to see on the way to grandpa steve and grandma sue's house.) anyhow, what concerned me was that immediately after singing this cute little barnyard song, they began singing a song that sounded exactly like "my humps" by the black-eyed peas. i hope i was mistaken.
okie dokie. gotta get crackin on my plan for this evening. fifteen middle schoolers will be here to play with me in but a few hours. good day to you.
danny, how did you set up your site so that within minutes of my new post, it shows up on dannyprose, title and all?? twincredible.
That's right, take some notes Kath. Maybe one day your newsletter will have syndicated content.
Hopefully none of your children will be blind. That way they won't have to sing "What's Seeing Like?" on the way to gamps and gams' house.
Too soon?
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