yesterday i had some non-office things to do, such as attend the pittsburgh youth network meeting with a first-year staff member, make some phone calls as kick-it girl to follow up for the recruiting team, read a book, etc. plus, my students don't get back til monday. so, i went into the city in the morning, and stayed there all day. my dear friend erin, whom we refer to affectionately as "porterhouse," was with me. we went to the meeting, which was black-and-gold themed due to the upcoming playoff appearance by the steelers. afterwards, we were on our way to oakland, and decided to take a new way. it consisted of a trip around the back of the jail, a number of wrong turns, and a strange dark tunnel that i was afraid would lead to our death. but, it didn't. we pulled onto forbes, and within minutes nearly died again by bus-side-swiping. i honked my horn, to no avail, but did manage to stop quickly enough to avoid sure and sudden death. to celebrate our survival, we got some chicken nachos at qdoba (mhmm, qdoba), and went to caribou coffee to complete some reading tasks and have some chai. we were momentarily distracted by a checkers board, and after i beat her repeatedly, we decided to remove ourselves from the temptation of playing games all afternoon by going to her apartment. i did lots of work (yay), and when i was done, we watched some arrested development. we also went to an art gallery that had some lovely but far too expensive items. but, there was free wine and cheese, plus some chocolate. we also bid our final-for-now adieus to mo, who was in town with her dad picking up her stuff from k-ho's. plus i went to bed early.
well, that's all i have by way of update. erin, i hope you're happy.
Rather than continue to (unfairly?) swell the numbers of my own comments section by replying further on my own site, I'll spread a little love around by posting on yours with the following message...
You might not be.
Merry Christmas '02,
What the *crap* is that?
Oh, you're angry.
It's a wonder you're so professional with a work ethic like that. You're the procras in astinator.
Too soon?
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