Saturday, January 28, 2006

clumsy mcfallsalot here

hello everyone. i am writing from the porterhouse of wild game (i.e. jess and erin's apt.). it is saturday afternoon, and i have been detained here overnight due to an embarrassing mishap last night. jess and erin and i attended a show at club cafe on the southside. as erin and i were walking to my car, less than one block from the club, i fell into a gutter. oh my gosh. there was a gaping hole under the curb that sloped down into the open gutter, and i rolled my ankle and fell into a disgraceful heap in the street. my shoe fell off and was dangerously close to dropping inth gutter abyss. i hurt my knee a bit, got pavement burn on the palm of my left hand, and significantly hurt my right foot. in an attempt to get up, i dropped my coat into the gutter as well. luckily i was able to grab it in time. we drove back to the girls' house, and i spent the remainder of the evening lying on the futon with my foot iced and elevated. i had to crawl around the apartment like an invalid! this is the second clumsiest thing* i've ever done, and i feel like a pitiful fool. but, the girls have been very thoughtful, bringing me ibuprofen and frozen peas and breakfast in bed. it feels a bit better today, but i don't think i'll be going much of anywhere for the rest of the day. good thing it's my day off.

*the clumsiest thing i've ever done was in the summer between my first and second years of college. i went to see planet of the apes (the marky mark production) at studio 28 with ruth and jonathan and some other people. i may or may not have walked into a huge sign in the theater lobby. if you're interested in a more entertaining version of this snippet, feel free to inquire of ruth or jonathan, who are sure to give you a treat.

1 comment:

Nathan and Betsy said...

hey! suck for falling down. and just because you were mean, i put up a new post. well, maybe in spite of the fact that you were mean. meanness gets you nowhere in betsyland. remember that. :)