i've been missing my family a lot lately, and it was time to go back and see them. we had a good time on friday family fun night, a shoutout to days of yore when my parents had us push potatoes across the living room floor with our noses. this time we stuck to less snake-like games, like taboo and rummikub. please enjoy this picture of my parents attempting to read the "tiny" print on the taboo cards:

thanks to my new digital camera (potentially my favorite new possession), here also are some pictures of my sisters and brothers-in-law, and also my honorary sibling, liz, who is trixie's best friend and one of my favorite people:

i also went to an uhhmazing sigur ros show at calvin. it was unbelievable. those of us who attended have since been discussing the sub-parness of the rest of the music in the world. if you've never gone, please do yourself a favor and experience heaven on earth. the opener, amina, was also beyond description. i take comfort in the fact that most of the people who read this were there, and hence my lack of descriptive ability is of no consequence. i will direct your attention elsewhere, to a much more articulate description of the ecstasy in the FAC.

ahh, sweet bliss.
but now, i'm home, and as this weekend is jubilee, i am very vErY VERY busy. so, don't expect much from me til next week.
Hey, thanks for the linkie, Kathersmas. For all the nasty comments I've made on this hurr blog over the months, it's suprising to see you extending the e-OliveBranch like that.
Also, your 'rents bear a striking resemblance to mine, at least in terms of posture, when playing that game. Good stuff.
Thanks for posting the pictures, Kat. I copied 'em and now have a new desktop photo. :) Good to see you this weekend.
kat... did you find the WORST pictue of me that you could possibly find to post on here? good greif... that is awful haha
love you!
--your baby sister
i like that one, nephs! and as it's MY blog, idowhatiWANT. got her.
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