i promise i'll stop going on about the steelers after this post. i just wanted to tell you that they had a parade downtown today for the team, and it went on for a few hours because there were so many people that the cars couldn't get through. the newscasters said there were probably a quarter of a million people downtown this morning. people drove in from all over. one guy they talked to had flown in from california to be there today. it was unbelievable. some of my students went, and i almost went with them, but i'm kind of glad that i didn't, because i don't like being around THAT many people, and i'm too short to be able to see anything anyway. but i saw it on the tv, and it was crazy. i love this city.
Now all we need to do is to get people to care as much about this.
Anya's right Kath. Because you're a Michigander, you are bequeathed to the Lions from birth, for better or worse. OR WORSE! I hereby render all your Pittsburgh cheers null and void. You're actually violating your fan parole by being in Pittsburgh, so you should probably move back here.
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