they're both excellent. both authors are speaking at jubilee at the end of the month, and i'm trying to prepare myself for what they're going to say, so that i know how to respond in case my students flip out on me again. in the meantime, i'm enjoying reading them.
i recently went to see pride and prejudice, which is my favorite book of all time. i'd never seen any of the film versions before. i was initially skeptical because jane austen's writing style is so subtle... she leaves so much to the imagination that i was afraid that translating her work to film would be unsatisfying at best. with this mindset firmly in place, i lowered my expectations and went to see the film. it's true that some things about the book just can't be communicated on screen. but, i love the story, and as i wasn't expecting greatness, i was satisfied. it was pretty well done, except for the pukey ending, which was entirely made up and gross. so if you go see it, walk out before the "mrs. darcy, mrs. darcy, mrs. darcy" part if you want to avoid a positively vomiticious reaction. (unless you've never read the book, in which case it might not bother you.)
some things i'm excited about:
going to indiana to see ROBIN!! and everyone else. yay!
going to GR to see my family and sigur ros
winning the superbowl on sunday
well, that's the best i can do to entertain you today. perhaps something fabulous and truly blog-worthy will happen tomorrow.
good day to you.
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