Tuesday, September 27, 2005

i'm so fancy.

justin, you'll be happy to know that today i reached a new level of professionalism. i donned my black suit this morning (before sunrise, i might add) and went to a donor breakfast at the duquesne club, which is one of the fanciest buildings i've ever been in. it's one of these joints where there are actual chandeliers, thick carpets, and long hall ways with lots of pretentiously named rooms. we actually had to sign in and then call from a phone in the hallway and state our purpose before they would unlock the door to permit us entrance. it was a breakfast for potential donors to my organization, kind of a "get to know us" type of thing. the breakfast itself wasn't too fancy, but as i stood there in my suit with my dress socks and heels, talking to vice presidents and CEOs, i must say i was extremely nervous. i still feel like a kid! since when do i get invited to some event held in a building that has bathrooms with REAL EMBROIDERED HAND TOWELS instead of paper ones? i guess i've entered the adult world. how many events do you have to go to before you stop feeling like a fraud? anyhow, it was exciting. in actuality, my part is not such a big deal; it was mostly the setting that made me a bit anxious. something about wearing a suit makes you do everything slower, probably for fear of spilling or tripping or otherwise embarrassing yourself. hopefully next time i won't be so starry-eyed and nervous. i'm going to go change.

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