i found this picture, and i'll be honest, i don't know where it came from. however, i have a pretty good guess, and I AM APPALLED. what do you think? (click on the picture for a larger view)
Uhm. Kath. Just making sure you're not being serious about that photo...
no. i am familiar with photoshop and its blending capabilities. this is a pretty good example, i'd say. before closer consideration, i was convinced. can you imagine what would happen if they went fishing in the french quarter? i think they'd be shot. and then perhaps eaten by militant alligators, fishing poles and all.
Indeed. And make no mistake: I'm not trying to defend Los Presidentes Bush. Still, I think we need to give credit where credit is due (that being Adobe and the Crazy Photoshoppin' Kid-Twizards (incidentally, that would make a great band name (you heard it here first (aw heck, why not go one layer deeper?))).
daniel. why do you leave comments that belong on duderus.chom (which, by the way, can i just say BOOOOOOORING!) here, and not even say hello to me?!? this is MY website! MINE!!!
You know, it's easy to get fooled by the ol' Photoshop, especially when one uses it to makes such relevant, pointed commentary. I mean, fishing! Incredible. Expect that he's probably more than these blog commentors to help the people in New Orleans. But, I mean FISHING, right?
About as intellectual and constructive as this, which is another close photoshop call; sometimes those graphic designers are too good:
Holy Crap!! Danny! Where'd you find a purple dragon in a pile of scrap meta... waydaminnit. Wait. just. one. MINUTE! That's picture's not real at ALL! FAKER! Hey everybody: Danny's a PHONY! Yeah, yeah - that's right - just one big fat PHONY!
...psshhh. Purple dragon in a pile of scrap metal - hah! Everybody knows dragons live in castles up in the clouds. And that scrap metal looks fake anyway.
the thoughts and opinions written here are mine alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of the cco or any other group or organization with which i am affiliated.
Uhm. Kath. Just making sure you're not being serious about that photo...
You're not, are you?
(See Photoshop)
Crazy kids and their computer wizardry (or should I say, twizardry)!
no. i am familiar with photoshop and its blending capabilities. this is a pretty good example, i'd say. before closer consideration, i was convinced. can you imagine what would happen if they went fishing in the french quarter? i think they'd be shot. and then perhaps eaten by militant alligators, fishing poles and all.
but they'd deserve it.
and no, you shouldn't say "twizardry." EVAR.
Indeed. And make no mistake: I'm not trying to defend Los Presidentes Bush. Still, I think we need to give credit where credit is due (that being Adobe and the Crazy Photoshoppin' Kid-Twizards (incidentally, that would make a great band name (you heard it here first (aw heck, why not go one layer deeper?))).
Seriously, Hibma, your content situation is getting depressing.
On many levels I totally appreciate the statement the photo makes....photoshopped or not...Let's face it "W" would rather be fishing with Daddy.
I meant to call you last week and I'm very sorry I didn't. I will try to call you soon. You're in my prayers and thoughts, dearie.
daniel. why do you leave comments that belong on duderus.chom (which, by the way, can i just say BOOOOOOORING!) here, and not even say hello to me?!? this is MY website! MINE!!!
all right. snotty princess fever has passed.
but still.
Oh! Sorry Kat.
You know, it's easy to get fooled by the ol' Photoshop, especially when one uses it to makes such relevant, pointed commentary. I mean, fishing! Incredible. Expect that he's probably more than these blog commentors to help the people in New Orleans. But, I mean FISHING, right?
About as intellectual and constructive as this, which is another close photoshop call; sometimes those graphic designers are too good:
Holy Crap!! Danny! Where'd you find a purple dragon in a pile of scrap meta... waydaminnit. Wait. just. one. MINUTE! That's picture's not real at ALL! FAKER! Hey everybody: Danny's a PHONY! Yeah, yeah - that's right - just one big fat PHONY!
...psshhh. Purple dragon in a pile of scrap metal - hah! Everybody knows dragons live in castles up in the clouds. And that scrap metal looks fake anyway.
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